Methow Restoration Council



Living With the Methow River

Monthly Activities and Learning Opportunities

August 2014

August calendar picture

Fish depend on a constant supply of clean, cold water. In the Methow Basin, natural stream flow patterns consist of higher peak flows during the spring and lower base flows during the remainder of the year. Both are critical to stream health. Peak flows flush sediment, scour the stream bed, and rejuvenate aquatic habitat. Base flows sustain fish and aquatic organisms throughout the year.
Whether the result of drought, irrigation withdrawals, or other causes, low stream flows can be a serious problem for fisheries and stream health.  Low flows reduce oxygen in the water, raise stream temperatures, and eliminate fish habitat. Water diversions that pull water from streams during low-flow periods can be especially damaging.
Many agricultural producers in the Methow are undertaking irrigation efficiency improvement projects. With efficiency improvements, the irrigator may be able to divert less water from the stream while still delivering the amount of water the crop demands. Efficiency improvements do not change the amount of water the plants receive. They just reduce diversion requirements.  Efficiency improvements include water delivery improvements, point of diversion modifications, and upgrades from wheel lines to pivots.


2014 Calendar


This year’s MRC calendar connects to ADVENTURES, ACTIVITIES AND INFORMATION tailored to each month. If you haven't gotten your calendar yet, you can download an electronic version here.

Come back each month and find interactive activities, print outs, and suggested learning opportunities in our community.

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Previous Learning Opportunities:

January 2014

February 2014

March 2014

April 2014

May 2014

June 2014

July 2014