Methow Restoration Council

Living With the Methow River

Monthly Activities and Learning Opportunities

August 2016

The Methow Beaver Project

Water storage is essential to the long-term health of the Methow watershed. Earlier snow melts and precipitation that falls as rain instead of snow make for drier summers, stressing fish populations as well as local irrigators. The Methow Beaver Project combats this by relocating beavers from populated areas to their historic habitats upstream. Beaver dams and the wetland sponges they create retain water, reducing the scale of flooding in the spring while increasing flows in the late summer and fall. Beaver dams also increase riparian habitat, reduce stream temperatures, restore stream complexity, and capture sediment, all of which are good for salmon.

For more information about the Methow Beaver Project, click here.

(Looking for last month? Click here.)

2016 Calendar


This year’s MRC calendar connects to ADVENTURES, ACTIVITIES AND INFORMATION tailored to each month. If you haven't gotten your calendar yet, you can download an electronic version here.

Come back each month and find interactive activities, print outs, and suggested learning opportunities in our community.

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